

In recent years there has been a lot of interest in water filters and their usefulness. More and more households, or business premises, decide to install a water filter, in order to benefit both immediately and in the long term from its use.

If you're wondering why you should filter, below we've put together 8 reasons why you should do it right away:

Removes chlorine. 

The tap water that reaches your home from the public water supply is infused with chlorine, as water chlorination is a cheap and easy way to clean it of pathogenic microorganisms. However, this results in the water acquiring a bad taste and smell. By installing a water filter in your tap, chlorine is removed and the taste of the water is noticeably improved.

Chemical substances and heavy metals are removed.

In many areas the drinking water is unfit for use as it contains dangerous chemicals from pesticides, herbicides, rust and heavy metals such as lead, nitrates, mercury etc. In these cases, a suitable water filter will clean the water that reaches your home by retaining all harmful substances and improving its quality as much as possible.

Removes salts. 

Water contains salts, which we see as "white spots" on surfaces and electrical appliances. The higher the concentration of salts, the "harder" we say the water is. By using the right water softener, you will solve the scale problem as it is effectively retained by the ion exchange resins, leaving your tap water sparkling clean.

Clean electrical appliances. 

As mentioned above, salts cause problems in electrical appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines, kettles and radiators, and can shorten their life. By using special water filters, your electrical appliances will work better, without worrying about the damage that can be caused by salts.

Ecological benefit. 

Unfortunately, there are several areas in Greece where the water is unsuitable for drinking and the inhabitants only consume bottled water. Installing a water filter is a simple and at the same time ecological method for your home, as you will avoid the tons of plastic bottles that you may be throwing away due to bottled water.

Saving money.

By using water filters you will see a difference in your wallet in the long run as you won't have to buy bottled water every day or buy desalination products. In essence, we gain effort-time-money!

Easy installation and maintenance. 

For most kinds of water filters, such as faucet filter and counter top filter, installation is very simple and can be easily done by you. For some items, such as the undercounter filter or the reverse osmosis filter, you will probably need an expert to install it correctly for you. Their maintenance is also easy, as you will only need to change the corresponding filters every 6 months or 1 year.

No more PET bottle plastic.

In addition to the ecological benefit that we mentioned above, by not using PET plastic bottles we have a significant benefit to our health due to the removal of microplastics and all the substances harmful to our bodies that they cause.

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