Odyssey Penelope Countertop Filter

49.00 price.perUnitTitle
  • Availability: In stock

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Water filter that connects directly to your kitchen's cold supply.

Every time you turn on your kitchen faucet in the cold, the water is filtered (in the pictures of the filters there are two spirals to tell them apart).

Water filters that have their own separate faucet just for filtered water.

In the photos of the filters , there is also the tap to tell them apart.

In these devices, instead of a faucet, you can choose a three-way faucet.

The three-way faucet replaces your kitchen faucet and has a filtered water switch and a hot-cold switch like a normal kitchen faucet.

(i) What are microns (μm)? The micron is a unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter. It is also called micron.

Its international symbols are µm and m. In Greek it is also rendered as a millimeter of a millimeter or a millimeter.

1 µm = 1 µ = 1/1000 mm = 10-6 m

It is often used to measure the filtration capacity of replacement water filters. The smaller the size in microns, the better the filtering.

So choosing a filter with 5 µm is a better choice than one with 10 µm.

Change filters every 3,000 ltr or every 6 months

*The price includes the first replacement filter and everything you need for installation.

Technical Specifications

Color White
Categories Water Filters
Availability In stock
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